How the Global Chip Shortage can Work for You

All our techy followers will know there has been a global chip shortage for over a year now. It’s a situation Future Marketing has been following closely. We’ve been patiently monitoring and as funnel experts, we believe the digital marketing funnel can help you fill the gaps.

For anyone reading out of interest, we aren’t talking about a crisis for the nations fish and chip shops.

We’re talking about computer chips – the heart of all digital products. You can’t see them, but they’re the most important component in computers, smartphones, cars, and any other digital product out there.

You may remember Sony’s (ongoing) PS5 console shortage. As consumers approached Christmas 2020, for those who hadn’t pre-ordered, it was almost impossible to purchase the latest gaming console.

Sony aren’t out of the woods. In fact, the situation is going from bad to worse. The main cause of this production crisis: the global chip shortage.


What has caused the global chip shortage?

Like much else that’s wrong with the world the coronavirus is partly to blame.

Global lockdowns fuelled the sales of computers as people worked from home. Many aspects of our society began operating from home – office work, education, even healthcare.

Supply chains took a negative turn. Demand for digital products grew, as the processes needed for production stumbled due to Covid restrictions.


Bad news if you supply digital products

So, if you supply digital products, such as smartphones or computers, you’ve likely had a difficult year.

If your boardroom questions sound like this, “how are we going to increase sales this year?!” then a turn to marketing may be the answer.

Forming a solid, long-term marketing strategy gives you oversight of your business, products, and customer base, and will help you generate hot leads. It gives you control of your communication strategies at a time when sales are struggling.

Essentially, with a good marketing plan, you can communicate to new and loyal customers that you’re still working for them and are still viable, despite global difficulties.


The marketing funnel will save you

So never fear. If you haven’t tried a marketing funnel, now is the time.

While supply chains get back up to speed, use this time to understand your customer base, create advertising campaigns, get your brand noticed, and nurture your leads.

Most customers need contact between 5 and 8 times before a purchase is made. This journey is different for every customer. It’s important to understand this so you can create specific contact points and respond well with your communication, so that potential customers get the right information at the right time.

This is so exciting because it offers opportunities to brand your company and product or service in such a way that the customer can never forget about you or miss a chance to speak to you.

There are different stages in the funnel and you need to make sure all stages are built solidly.

The most used model is the AIDA model but there are countless models out there. AIDA looks like:

Attention: the customer has a certain need, is aware of it and knows your product or service.

Interest: the customer begins to show interest in your product.

Desire: the customer has the need to buy your product.

Action: the customer buys your product.


Each stage of the model has its own unique approach and messages. For example, it does not make sense to start communicating prices and packages when the customer is not yet aware of your product and certainly does not have the need to buy it.

Using the AIDA model; you’ve got their attention and you’ve got their interest through the trust you’ve built. However, attention and interest are not the solution. These leads still need a gentle nudge if you want them to become paying customers.

Without sounding pushy, a compelling copy and sales pitch will help customers move into the third and most important stage of the funnel.

The marketing funnel, done right and for a long time, builds a good reputation for a brand. This positive reputation will help with all types of marketing in the future.


Rise above the global chip shortage

Don’t spend the next year feeling glum about the market. Although the global chip shortage seems to be a long way off from replenishing stocks, there is plenty of activity for your teams to take.

Engage your marketing team and make sure they are employing a funnel to nurture your customers.

If you need advice or a facilitator to get your ideas off the ground, contact Future Marketing. We’re specialists in creating digital marketing funnels for the tech industry and will be happy to speak to you. Contact us at

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